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Our Financial Support

The need to develop and maintain a support base is a large and significant part of the effort to begin a new congregation of Christ followers in Sao Luis, Maranhao, Brazil. This mission needs financial support from individuals, organizations, and churches so that our focus can shift to where it ought to be - and that is reaching the lost.

As a show of belief and support, our home church of Northside Church of Christ in San Antonio has pledged to provide half of the needed funding. We are thrilled to have partnered with 5 other congregations who have joined in this effort as well. You can also become financially involved, just choose from the options below!


Donation Options to Help Spread the Gospel in Sao Luis

Send checks payable to Northside Church of Christ at 19818 Hwy 281 North, San Antonio, TX, 78258.  Please include specific memo lines for:

“Team - Sao Luis" or "Dye - Sao Luis” or “Hill - Sao Luis”

Online donations may be made via PayPal through the Northside Church of Christ website at: Click "Donate" in the menu above or click here

For ongoing, regular donations, you may consider going through your bank's automatic bill-pay option using the memo lines referenced for paper checks.


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